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joint survey中文是什么意思

用"joint survey"造句"joint survey"怎么读"joint survey" in a sentence


  • 联合检查
  • 联合检验


  • Another joint survey conducted by hantec aia on impact of 2003 financial budget on personal finances
  • The us officials are expected to join a team of nuclear experts from china and russia who plan to fly to pyongyang for their joint survey
  • They will also share information on the outcomes of their respective working groups and explore further possibilities for joint surveys and research
  • Another joint survey conducted by hantec aia on impact of 2003 financial budget on personal finances public not convinced of government s solution to deficit problems
  • The notice in writing regarding the loss or damage need not be given if the state of the goods has , at the time of delivery , been the subject of a joint survey or inspection by the carrier and the consignee
  • When cargos is found to be damaged of shortlanded , this party has to call for a joint survey by representatives of the shipping company and the insurance agent . based on the survey report , they will lodge a claim for compensation
  • After contrasting and analyzing the two common used measure method of discontinuity , a modified method that is elaborate method of joint surveying is put forward for the first time . rational method to get spacing of joints is researched utilizing lots of statistical results . according to the theory of minimal valid length of scanline , 5m is chose as appropriate statistical section length to obtain the successive values of those indices indicating rock mass structure , they are spacing , number and total length of joint
用"joint survey"造句  
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